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If this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church - 12 Things I Wish I’d Known

© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

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***We welcome Father Gregory, and Presbytera Krista Fedorchak along with their newborn son, Christopher ***



St Olympia Orthodox Church - Week of 10 6 2024

Dear Faithful,

Joyous Feast of the Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos, as well as St. Romanos the Melodist, that "sweet sounding harp," as we heard tonight at vespers.

The Feast of the Protection reminds us to call on the Theotokos for help throughout the day. Remember: "the prayer of a mother has great power to win the favor of the Master" (from the prayers of the 6th Hour, before Liturgy).

Attached is the weekly bulletin.

Building update: the old boiler is already out, and the new one is being installed. We still need volunteers to clear out the basement in preparation for asbestos removal next week. Please contact me if you have an hour to spare.

Reminder: we will gather at 6pm on Wednesday to officially kick off our basement renovation by praying the Molieben for the Beginning of a Good Work. Hope to see you there!

Your servant in Christ,
Fr Gregory

Rev. Gregory Fedorchak, Ph.D.
Parish Priest - St. Olympia Mission