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If this is your first visit to an Orthodox Church - 12 Things I Wish I’d Known

© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

St Olympia Orthodox Church - Week of 9 29 2024

Dear Faithful,

Glory to Jesus Christ!

This week, the Church celebrates several heavy hitters: St. John the Baptist (9/23), St. Thekla (9/24), Ss. Juvenaly and Peter the Aleut of Alaska (9/24), St. Silouan of Mount Athos (9/24), St. Sergius of Radonezh (9/25), and St. John the Theologian (9/26).

You can read about them in the attached bulletin.

 What do all of these saints have in common? They were all prayer warriors. St. Silouan said, "If you love God, that means you pray."

 Through prayer, we have raised a remarkable $71,398 to date for our flood recovery! May the Lord continue to guide our recovery effort, and help us to be faithful stewards of these generous donations, all to His glory.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr Gregory

 Rev. Gregory Fedorchak, Ph.D.

Parish Priest - St. Olympia Mission

c: 607-427-3286

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