© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

*** On this Giving Tuesday 2024.  Please consider donating to support our continuing effort to assist us in restoring our church hall.***

St Olympia Orthodox Church - Week of 11 17 2024

Dear Faithful,

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Greetings on this Veterans Day and thank you to all who have served and sacrificed for faith, freedom, and country.

Today, we remember St. Martin the Merciful Bishop of Tours, who, as an 18 year old soldier, cut his cloak in two to clothe a poor man shivering at the city gate. That night Christ appeared to him, clad in the part of the cloak he had given away. This reminds us that whatever we do for "the least of these" brothers and sisters we do for Christ.

Speaking of almsgiving, this Friday begins the Advent Fast, a 40-day period of extra spiritual effort that prepares us to enter into the joyful mystery of our Lord's Nativity. Here is a nice fasting overview to help orient us.

Attached is the bulletin (thank you, Peggy). Note that we have two work days this week (Tuesday and Friday) and an exciting weekend ahead, with a baptism on Saturday in Watertown, and then a one-of-a-kind book presentation Saturday evening after vespers.

Lastly, we are still looking for a few coffee hour hero's to sign up for this week and the next several weeks. Thank you to the Gurreas for feeding us last week.

Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Gregory

Rev. Gregory Fedorchak, Ph.D.
Parish Priest - St. Olympia Orthodox Church
34 N Main St., Norwood, NY 13668