© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

*** On this Giving Tuesday 2024.  Please consider donating to support our continuing effort to assist us in restoring our church hall.***

St Olympia Orthodox Church - Week of 11 10 2024

Dear Faithful,

Glory to Jesus Christ!

Attached is the bulletin (thank you, Peggy). It is another exciting week with several upcoming services and events:

This Wednesday (11/6, 5PM) will be the first of many Vespers services at the newly blessed Hermitage.
Friday morning (11/8, 8AM), we will have Liturgy for the Archangels. We will mortar later in the day (2PM).
Saturday (11/9), the Church remembers St. Nektarios of Aegina. After Vespers, we will watch the movie about his life, Man of God, in honor of his feast. It's also our last non-fasting Fall Fellowship Night (*gasp*).

You can sign up to bring something for coffee hour HERE or on the signup sheet in the side room (thank you, Jess).

Here is some parting wisdom, from the desert:

A brother came to see Abba Poemen and said to him, “Abba, I have many thoughts and they put me in danger.” The old man led him outside and said to him, “Expand your chest and do not breathe in.” He said, “I cannot do that.” Then the old man said to him, “If you cannot do that, no more can you prevent thoughts from arising, but you can resist them.”

Have a blessed week!

Your servant in Christ,
Fr. Gregory

Rev. Gregory Fedorchak, Ph.D.
Parish Priest - St. Olympia Orthodox Church
34 N Main St., Norwood, NY 13668