© 2024 St Olympia Orthodox Church

*** On this Giving Tuesday 2024.  Please consider donating to support our continuing effort to assist us in restoring our church hall.***

September 15, 2024

Dear Faithful,

Blessed Afterfeast of the Nativity of the Theotokos and Blessed Feast of Ss. Joachim and Anna, the Grandparents of our Lord!

FUN FACT #1: St Anna's primary feast day is the same as our heavenly patroness, St Olympia.

FUN FACT #2: It is customary for the Church to honor other key players involved in the feast on the day AFTER the feast (e.g., Archangel Gabriel after the Annunciation; St John the Baptist after Theophany; the Magi and Shepherds after Christmas; Ss Joachim and Anna today).

Attached is the bulletin for the week (thank you, Peggy).

Here are a few additional announcements:

  • Please fill out this when2meet survey so I can gauge your general availability for additional services and activities. Don't worry, this is not binding! Don't pay attention to the dates (treat it like a generic week). Type your name and then click 'sign in' to begin the survey.
  • We will meet this Wednesday at 4PM to remove the wall at chail rail height in the basement as part of mold remediation.

May we find strength and encouragement as we head towards the Feast of the Cross together.

Your servant in Christ,

Fr Gregory

Rev. Gregory Fedorchak, Ph.D.

Parish Priest - St. Olympia Mission

c: 607-427-3286

e: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.